You Are Designed to be Prosperous and on Purpose: An Invitation to Leaders

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We are stepping out into a new world. Some restrictions are being lifted, others implemented…
You and I know that how things will go as we move forward depends on who we are in the world, and how we lead.
There are people awakening to their power, sovereignty, divinity and purpose. They are yearning for something different, for soul based, heart led leadership.
They are looking for guidance from others who have walked this path. Perhaps they are looking for you!
You and I have chosen to BE HERE during this time, and to live as an example of what’s possible when we live as conscious beings and create on purpose. And right now, our purpose is to lead others to awaken and thrive.

In Heartfelt Gratitude,
Waxela (wa-shay-la) Sananda

P.S. Do you feel like you have been preparing for this time your whole life (maybe even lifetimes)?

We are creating a new way of life as humans. One that is based on collaboration, co-creation, synchronicity and harmony. Honoring each living being for their unique contribution.



Waxela Sananda, Spring Meadow Ln, Sarasota, FL 34233

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