Soul Source Your Lightship, Find Your Superpowers [The Alchemy of Ascension Podcast]

We have three new Alchemy of Ascension Podcast episodes available for listening, watching, and download:

Overcoming Fear to Embrace Your Superpowers with Creator and founder of Sacred Journey, Millie Parmer

Soul Source Your Lightship with Energy Healer, Ascension Artist, Light Body Alchemist, Fernando Vossa

Soulful Self Care with Intuitive consultant, life coach, global healer, keynote speaker, Avalaura Gaither


You can also watch the videos on YouTube and leave us your thoughts in the comment sections:

Watch Millie Parmer Here

Watch Fernando Vossa Here

Watch Avalaura Gaither Here

Remember to click the thumbs up to “like” the video and subscribe to my YouTube channel! (this helps other people find the videos)


Here is the link to all AoA episodes on iTunes

If you have already taken a moment to rate it on iTunes, THANK YOU! The ratings are going up thanks to you!