Promo Center

Welcome to the Promo Center for the Alchemy of Ascension II.  The summit begins on September 9, 2020.  The promotion period is from August 26-September 8, 2020.  

Below you will find content for your solo email and social media posts.  Use your unique tracking link in your promotions.  Please feel free to use the copy as is or change the content to reflect your own voice.  

See below for the following:

  • Solo email 
  • Social media copy
  • News brief 
  • Tracking links
  • Graphics
  • Speaker information  

Choose one subject line:

  • Subject: How To Raise Your Frequency and get Spiritually Activated
  • Subject: Ascension Leaders Share Their Secrets- You Are Becoming Multidimensional!

Do you know your galactic origins?  Would you like to activate your starseed memories and the multidimensional expression of your DNA? Are you experiencing changes in your energy and do you desire to expand your consciousness and connect more to the Divine source within you?

If you are ready to expand your consciousness, then this FREE ONLINE SUMMIT IS FOR YOU!

I am delighted that host, Waxela (wa shay la) Sananda, invited me to be a speaker on The Alchemy of Ascension II: Exploring Our Galactic Origins and Becoming Multidimensional.

I invite you to join us and gain powerful tools and insights that will help you:

  • Become aware of yourself as a multidimensional Human
  • Connect to your galactic lineage
  • Receive frequency healings, upgrades, and attunements
  • Experience Shamanic journeying with your breath and imagination
  • Activate your 12 strand DNA
  • Journey into parallel realities
  • Realize your sacred purpose

You will be delighted with the lineup of transformational speakers on this show! The summit consists of interviews with 26 masterful spiritual teachers, including myself, who will share their knowledge and useful practices during these in depth 60 minute videos. The wisdom being shared in this series will definitely help you accelerate your ascension process, expand your intuitive abilities, and deepen your connection to your galactic origins.

Click this link to sign up for this FREE event: [ENTER TRACKING LINK HERE]

About the host, Waxéla Sananda:

Waxéla (wa-shay-la) Sananda is a Quantum Embodiment Coach and Galactic Shaman who teaches courses on Ascension, Conscious Life Creation, and Self-Empowerment and Mastery.

In a powerful heart activating experience she suddenly understood her mission to speak and share about her lifetime of mystical experiences and bring together community, so that no one has to feel alone in their spiritual awakening.

Through the process in her international bestselling book The Love You Crave: A Course in Ascension, Alchemy, and Connection to the Divine, Waxéla guides her clients on a transformational journey of clearing limiting beliefs and transforming stagnant energy into dynamic, creative possibility.

If you are ready to join the summit and gain the wisdom to raise your frequency and connect more deeply, click below for a complimentary ticket.


I hope to see you at the summit! [SPEAKER: PLEASE PUT YOUR SIGNATURE HERE]

P.S. Who do you know that would benefit from this knowledge? Would you do me a favor in the spirit of generosity?  Forward this email to someone you care about, it could make their day and change their life!

Join me!  The Alchemy of Ascension II: Exploring Our Galactic Origins and Becoming Multidimensional with host Waxéla (wa-shay-la) Sananda will be airing September 9th through Oct. 1st.  I am one of the featured speakers on this consciousness expanding series!

In this season you will gain powerful tools and insights that will help you:

  • Become aware of yourself as a Multidimensional Human
  • Connect to your Galactic Lineage
  • Receive frequency healings, upgrades, and attunements
  • Experience Shamanic Journeying with your breath and imagination
  • Activate your 12 strand DNA
  • Journey into parallel realities
  • Realize your Sacred Purpose

The show airs September 9th through Oct. 1st, so register now!

Follow this link to participate in this FREE event: [INSERT TRACKING LINK HERE] You will be amazed at the free gifts being offered to all who are registered.

The wisdom being shared will help you raise your frequency and connect to your multidimensional self.

#raiseyourvibe #alchemyofascension #activation #transformation

I invite you to access your multidimensionality during The Alchemy of Ascension II: Exploring Our Galactic Origins and Becoming Multidimensional with host Waxéla Sananda. I will be speaking on this FREE summit! Free access here: [INSERT TRACKING LINK HERE]

Join me!  The Alchemy of Ascension II: Exploring Our Galactic Origins and Becoming Multidimensional with host Waxéla (wa-shay-la) Sananda will be airing September 9th through Oct. 1st.  I am one of the featured speakers on this consciousness expanding series!

In this season you will gain powerful tools and insights that will help you:

  • Become aware of yourself as a Multidimensional Human
  • Connect to your Galactic Lineage
  • Receive frequency healings, upgrades, and attunements
  • Experience Shamanic Journeying with your breath and imagination
  • Activate your 12 strand DNA
  • Journey into parallel realities
  • Realize your Sacred Purpose

The show airs September 9th through Oct. 1st, so register now!

Copy and paste the link in your address bar to participate in this FREE event: [INSERT TRACKING LINK HERE] You will be amazed at the free gifts being offered to all who are registered.

The wisdom being shared will help you raise your frequency and connect to your multidimensional self.

#alchemyofascension  #transformation #ascension #alchemy #onlineshow #raiseyourvibe #manifestation #activation #spirituality #followyourintuition #findyourpurpose #meditation #mediumship #biohacking #masterclass #mysteryschool #higherawareness #consciousness #highvibes #quantumfield #lawofattraction #quantumphysics #happiness #metaphysics #5thdimension #traumarecovery #addictionrecovery #twinflame #soulmate #celestial 

The Alchemy of Ascension: How to Connect with yourSELF, your Soulmate, and the Divine airing September 9 – October 1 2020

Do you know your galactic origins?  Would you like to activate your starseed memories and the multidimensional expression of your DNA? Are you experiencing changes in your energy and do you desire to expand your consciousness and connect more to the Divine source within you?

If you are ready to expand your consciousness, then this FREE ONLINE SUMMIT IS FOR YOU!

I invite you to join us and gain powerful tools and insights that will help you:

  • Become aware of yourself as a multidimensional Human
  • Connect to your galactic lineage
  • Receive frequency healings, upgrades, and attunements
  • Experience Shamanic journeying with your breath and imagination
  • Activate your 12 strand DNA
  • Journey into parallel realities
  • Realize your sacred purpose

You will be delighted with the lineup of transformational speakers on this show! The summit consists of interviews with 26 masterful spiritual teachers who will share their knowledge and useful practices during these in depth 60 minute videos. The wisdom being shared in this series will help you accelerate your ascension process, expand your intuitive abilities, and deepen your connection to your galactic origins.

Click this link to sign up for this FREE event: [ENTER TRACKING LINK HERE]

About the host, Waxéla Sananda:

Waxéla (wa-shay-la) Sananda is a Quantum Embodiment Coach and Galactic Shaman who teaches courses on Ascension, Conscious Life Creation, and Self-Empowerment and Mastery.

In a powerful heart activating experience she suddenly understood her mission to speak and share about her lifetime of mystical experiences and bring together community, so that no one has to feel alone in their spiritual awakening.

Through the process in her international bestselling book The Love You Crave: A Course in Ascension, Alchemy, and Connection to the Divine, Waxéla guides her clients on a transformational journey of clearing limiting beliefs and transforming stagnant energy into dynamic, creative possibility.

If you are ready to join the summit and gain the wisdom to raise your frequency and connect more deeply, click below for a complimentary ticket.


Below is your unique referral tracking code to use in your emails and social media copy.  We have prepared content for you to use when promoting the summit.  Replace [INSERT TRACKING CODE HERE] with your link below.

  • 9/9 Linda Star Wolf– Visionary teacher, Shamanic Guide, Shamanic Breathwork
  • 9/10 Josiah Brandt– Founder of Neville Goddard School of Imagination
  • 9/11 Anna Kowalska– Sacred Success, Divine Prosperity, and Soul Purpose coach
  • 9/12 Nalinee Diosara– Light Language Scribe, facilitator of Cacao and plant medicine
  • 9/12 Suzanne Gerber– Astrologer, shamanic energy worker, spiritual life coach, writer/editor
  • 9/13 Andrew Martin– Energy intuitive, personal transformation coach
  • 9/13 Tomorrow aka Heidi Sime – Primalhacker, Artist, Truth Seeker
  • 9/14 Pamala Oslie– Professional psychic, author, consultant, and radio show host
  • 9/15 Gene Ang, Ph.D.- Neurobiologist, founder of Arcturian Healing Method
  • 9/16 Christine Breese– Founder of University of Metaphysical Sciences and Gaia Sagrada 
  • 9/17 Elizabeth Wood– Seer and Scientist, galactic and quantum anthropologist
  • 9/18 Helena Reilly– Quantum Sound Therapy, Scalar Technology, therapist and author
  • 9/19 Dawn DelVecchio– Author, Priestess, Divine Feminine Leadership Coach
  • 9/19 Xi Earthstar Healer– Multi-Dimensional Energy Healer, embodied wanderer,  Andromedan visionary
  • 9/20 Krishna Kaur–  Teacher of Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan
  • 9/21 Celia Fenn– Author, channel, artist, Galactic Shaman, quantum time traveler 
  • 9/22 Patricia Cori– Author, Shaman, mystic, teacher
  • 9/23 Acurda Melchizedek– DNA Architect, the keys of Divinity are in our DNA
  • 9/24 Kerry K– Ascension guide and pioneer of heart consciousness
  • 9/25 Margarita Alcantara– Shamanista Medicine Woman, New Code of Power Activator, Keeper of the Blue Flame
  • 9/26 Franco DeNicola– Speaker, radio show host, explorer of consciousness
  • 9/26 Louise Matson– Intuitive Channel, Shaman, host of “Mundane to Magical”
  • 9/27 Kristen Bielecki– Awakened Soul Catalyst, New Earth crystalline grid and light body activator
  • 9/28 Vandana Atara Aura– Divine channel, soul guide, angelic shaman
  • 9/29 Karen Curry Parker– Quantum Human Design expert, author, teacher
  • 9/30 William Linville– Divine presence of clear creator consciousness
  • 10/1 Patricia Cota Robles– Era of Peace cofounder, Divine channel for the Beings of Light 
  • 10/2 Christine Michelle Hayes- Quantum Manifestation, author of The Aligned Receiver 
  • 10/3 Lou Reed– Integrative Medicine Institute IMI

Right-click on each graphic to save to your computer.

FACEBOOK, INSTAGRAM, TWITTER GRAPHIC (you may also use the graphic at the bottom with your individual picture)



Click on the images below to enlarge and right-click to save to your computer.   Individual graphics are below the group graphic.