Opening a Multidimensional Portal and Conscious Life Creation [The Alchemy of Ascension Podcast] Post author:Waxela Post published:April 28, 2021 Hi , Happy Friday! Two new episodes of The Alchemy of Ascension Podcast are available for listening and download on iTunes and Spotify! The newest episodes are: Conscious Life Creation with Guest Natalie Ledwell and Opening a Multidimensional Portal with Nalinee Diosara Both are available to WATCH on YouTube (click the titles above to find the videos). Here is the link to all episodes on iTunes: Here is the link to all episodes on Libsyn: And just search “The Alchemy of Ascension Podcast” on Spotify to listen there. The podcast has 9,300 downloads now, woohoo! If you have already taken the time to rate it on iTunes, THANK YOU! In Heartfelt Gratitude, Waxela (wa-shay-la) Sananda P.S.Share this with someone you know who loves to explore consciousness! Unsubscribe | Change Subscriber Options You Might Also Like UPGRADE YOUR LIFE: Ascension Breathwork Invitation June 4, 2021 Is this YOUR time for TRANSFORMATION? April 2, 2020 Create Magical Results Right Now! July 27, 2021