Mt. Shasta, Twin Flame Activation, Telos & the Galactic Ray

Last week I was in Mount Shasta doing ceremony, amplifying my frequency, and communing with the Divine in its many forms.

It was a week of magic and transformation, nothing short of miraculous, and even though my over-full lifestyle did not allow the time for travel, I said YES, because I am here to serve, and when Spirit calls, I answer.

I AM Living Beloved, the Universe is loving me through every pair of eyes, every sunrise and sunset, through the elements, the plants, the challenges and the surprises. I am grateful for every breath, and the gratitude is returned to me 100 fold.

In this video I will share some of the magic of Mt. Shasta and my week there with you with the intention that the Activations I received be spread to YOU and that you may FEEL the EMBODIMENT of more of your Expanded Self.

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