Messages from Sirius to Help You Survive These Times

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I love to answer your questions, and when one of those questions is a “BIG” one I love to record a video in order to share the answer with the whole community.

That’s exactly what I did yesterday, in answer to Paola’s question-

“I’m very interested in planet Sirius and the souls from there. I was wondering if you channel them? And if you do, what are the most important messages that they want to give humans, and maybe also their own starseeds who are here on planet earth right now?”

I do have a strong connection to Sirius and I love this question and the answers that came through, and it is my pleasure to share them with you.

Please subscribe to my channel and like the video if you find it helpful.

Watch the video by clicking the box:

Do you have a question that you would like me to video record an answer to? If so please leave a message ON THE YouTube VIDEO and I will choose a question from there to answer next. I may make this a weekly event. I ask you to leave your question on YouTube so I can see them all in one place rather than opening emails to search for each question.