I Got Stuck in an Airplane for 8 Hours and RECREATED Reality

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I’m writing this from an airplane as I’m taking my kids north to visit my mom in Iowa. Our departure time was originally 2:45pm. It’s 6:00pm now and we’ve been told there are 42 airplanes ahead of us waiting for their departure. If we deplane we don’t get to fly, so here we sit, hungry and bored, attempting to make the best of the strange, cramped unknown.

There are a lot of crying babies and grumpy people on this airplane. Understandably. But we’re hanging in there, and I have a way of seizing the opportunity available in these unexpected moments of standing still.

I’m using the time that I’m not interacting with the kids to envision my life. I’m refining some things I’ve been consciously creating. I’m practicing the scenes from inside the experience, feeling the emotions, sensing the sounds, smells, tastes, and textures of my life experiences imagined real.

I’ve brushed into believing for several moments and it’s becoming more solid, more real with each simulated practice session.

My vision will be my reality.

My reality is my vision. It’s fun.

Exhilarating actually, this creation process.


2020 was a whopper of an intense year for most of us. What did you do with your down time?

Did you envision a better future?
Did you get sucked into the upset?

It’s OK if you did, I’m not here to judge you!

Living intentionally is a practice. It takes diligence, tenacity, and lots and lots of practice.

I will be sharing more Conscious Life Creation practices with you in 2021. My vision is to continue to walk into a beautiful experience of high frequency, magical, multidimensional living and I’m inviting YOU to walk with me this year.

Life is more fun when it’s shared with a community of people who love and support each other. There will be many ways for us to join together and support each other going forward.

I’m so grateful that you are walking this path with me.

Thank you for being YOU!