We have one new Alchemy of Ascension Podcast episode available for listening, watching, and download. This is an interview of me by Kyle Boyd and Leah Rush of Quantum Healing Collective:
Embodied Ascension, New Earth and the Power of the Heart
In this episode, Waxela covers topics including the new earth, gratitude, embodied ascension, the power of the heart, shadow work, 5D, mystical experiences, and creating a trigger journal. She also guides us in a wonderful visualization exercise.
You can also watch the video on YouTube and leave us your thoughts in the comment sections:
Remember to click the thumbs up to “like” the video and subscribe to my YouTube channel! (this helps other people find the videos)
Here is the link to all AoA episodes on iTunes
You can find Kyle and Leah on Facebook:
Facebook Group https://www.facebook.com/
Heart Coherence Collaborative https://www.facebook.com/
If you have already taken a moment to rate it on iTunes, THANK YOU! The ratings are going up thanks to you!