Remembering and connecting to your Starseed Origins, for many, is like finding your long lost family after years of separation. There is a sense of belonging, a feeling of being understood and the experience of being connected to a world that feels much more harmonious than many Starseeds experience on Earth.
Even if you feel completely at home and connected to planet Earth, your DNA is a collection from many races from all over the Universe and you can tap in to your genetic origins through the DNA.
Once you tune in and open to remembering, you can receive ascension frequencies, soul codes, and activations from your star family and collect soul fragments from your home planet(s).
I know what it’s like to feel lonely, disconnected, and to feel like the odd one out in social situations. I used to wish I had a guide that would explain to me why I felt so different from the “normals”. That wish came true when I met and traveled with a shaman walk-in spirit. I’m so grateful that I was able to remember and reconnect to my star family and my galactic origins.
I learned how to tap in and “pull a vision” of home planet for myself and others through guided journeying, which means YOU can access YOUR home star memories, from right where you are sitting, in this timeline, in this body, they are all stored within your DNA.