Divine Grace Transmission: Anchoring the Universe as Your Beloved ❤️

Sometimes we get so tangled up in preconcieved expectations that we loose sight of love. How can we be present if we are living in a world of ideas about how someone or something should be, rather than appreciating what is?

I have been evolving through a big transformation of expectations and presence this month. The Universe has delivered the perfect challenges and opportunities for me to see much more clearly where I have been rejecting the DELICIOUS DIVINE RICHNESS that has been right in front of me the whole time!

This decadence is in front of you as well, ready for you to CLAIM IT! It is here, ready and waiting for anyone who has the courage and openness to receive it.

This video is a sharing of my process of surrender, clearing, unfolding, and anchoring the UNIVERSE as my BELOVED. This video is a segment from a recent session with my Embodied Ascension clients.

Love itself is the gift: Divine Grace Transmission

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