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Deliberate Creation for the New World Teachers with Karen Swain

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Karen Swain is a Teacher of Deliberate Creation, Spiritual Mentor, Educator, Inspirational Speaker, Host of Accentuate The Positive Media, Author of Return to Love & Awakened by Death, and Creator of The Awakening Soul Series.

Karen Activates, Accelerates, Acclimates and Accentuates the New World Teachers. Supporting the Light-Weavers and Difference Makers bringing in a new dawn of reality during these times of transition.

She enlightens you to the power of your thoughts and beliefs, how they create your reality and how to live in alignment with your emotional guidance system. This is Guidance on a Cosmic Scale, remembering your connection to your spiritual team, multidimensional selves, your soul plan, why you are here and how you help this world.