Hi ,
You’ve heard me share my dream awakening stories often, and I have a powerful one for you today about working with pain.
Early this morning I was in between dreaming and awake. It’s a lucid state where I interact with my higher guidance. During this session I became acutely aware of intense pain in my left ankle. It was a stabbing pain that radiated out and all I wanted to do was to find a way to numb it or stop it, as I asked
“What is this?”
I heard in my mind “Alternating current, direct current.”
It was Nikola Telsa guiding me…Tesla shared this information with me, and I am offering it to you because I believe it can be extremely helpful for clearing many types of pain.
The Tesla download:
Direct Current- Put your attention directly on the pain and feel it fully.
I did feel it, intensely at first… then it changed. It became like a sun, radiating in and out.
Alternating current– as I focused into the sensation of pain radiating in and out, it became a different feeling, and then no feeling at all. Within a minute of intense focus the pain was gone with the rays of the sun.
I realized it would have gone much faster if I had been willing to believe that it was possible to let it go so quickly. I was questioning the validity and reality of such easy pain elimination even as the pain was attempting to leave.
I was left with the understanding that all of the energy we spend avoiding pain, numbing pain, attempting to reduce and ignore pain, is energy wasted.
Our power is in focusing directly ON and INTO the pain and feeling it’s information. Pain is information. Everything is information. Once the information is received, the pain is no longer needed. This is equally so for physical, emotional, and mental pain and anguish.
Is there an area of your life, physically, mentally, or emotionally where you have been holding, numbing, or avoiding pain? If so I encourage you to give this technique a try. What do you have to lose?
We dive deeply into pain and trauma release in Ascension Training. On Monday I sent an email inviting you to book a call with me and my team if you are ready to take a journey into your evolution, your expansion, and leave your pain and suffering in the past.
The response to that message was so big that my calendar was booked and some of you did not get a time to chat with me or my team.
If this speaks to you and you would like to chat about your ascension path, we have added times to the calendar,
Book Your Free Call Here.
(or Zoom meeting if you are outside the USA)
We look forward to talking to you!