Can You Believe It? [The Alchemy of Ascension Podcast]

Have you ever been so immersed in a project that you worked on it  from night and day, pouring your heart, passion, and soul into it?  That sums up my last 2 months as I’ve been producing the Alchemy of Ascension season IV.  It launches on Monday!
Have you opted in yet? If not, opt in here!

Today we have one new Alchemy of Ascension Podcast episode available for listening, watching, and download:

Believing in Yourself with Sigrid Van Heerwaarden


Here is the link to all AoA episodes on iTunes:


You can also watch the video episode on YouTube and leave us your thoughts in the comment section:

Sigrid Van Heerwaarden

Remember to click the thumbs up to “like” the videos and subscribe to my YouTube channel! (this helps other people find the videos)


Thank you for rating the Podcast on iTunes! The ratings are going up thanks to you!