Are Your Treasures Blocking Your Freedom?

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I’m selling my house and moving into a smaller one- downsizing it’s called.  This has me on a quest to eliminate many things that are either nonessential, no longer useful to me, or that I no longer treasure.

That third category- “Treasures” is the tough one. Trinkets from  childhood, that broken flower bracelet my grandparents brought me from Hawaii when I was 5, the artwork, paintings and sculptures I have made and collected through the years, are some of my treasures.

As I excavate and release my belongings, I like to play episodes of “Hoarders” in the background.  It’s a show that peeks into the lives of people who are nearly buried in their mountains of perceived treasures.  Watching them part with their beloved things helps me part with mine.

I am fascinated at the way we spend so much effort on keeping things. It is the same with physical things as it is with childhood traumas, old fears, programming we inherited from our families and society, and thoughts and ideas that block us from the freedom we desire.

What are you holding on to that is holding you back?  Whether it is physical stuff, emotional stuff, or mental stuff, I challenge you this week to take a closer look at what you have been clinging to and begin to loosen your hold on it.  Freedom is on the other side of letting go…and it feels GOOD!

Do you need help releasing old thoughts, programs, blocks, and habits?  That is exactly what we do in the first three weeks of Ascension Training, my online training program that helps my clients experience massive releases of old programming and reach new levels freedom.

I share about this process in my ebook “The Love You Crave: A Course in Ascension, Alchemy, and Connection to the Divine”

In chapter 5 I introduce the concept of “Excavating the Dark Seed” and offer specific ways to work with the release.

I am working on the paperback version, which will be edited and expanded from the ebook.  Watch for that in July or August, followed by the next round of Ascension Training in September.

In Heartfelt Gratitude,

Waxela (wa-shay-la) Sananda