Randy Hatton

Full Spectrum Water, the Source of all Life with Randy Hatton

Randy’s passion is working with water, integrating ancient wisdom with advanced earth-based technologies to optimize its natural vitality. He is a steward who brings through wisdom from years of trial and error, bridging the world of science and spirituality, thus supporting us to raise our consciousness and connection to the Spirit of water. His goal is to support all life that depends on clean healthy water to thrive and assisting Gaia in her transformation.
Over the past 22 years, Randy has studied the properties of water, principles of sacred geometry, and the effects of frequency-induced technologies. He discovered that the combination Vortex or Toroidal motion, hydrogen, oxygen, liquid carbon, magnetism, sound frequencies, light spectrums, Radionics/scalar waves, rare earth elements, along with intentions of love and respect to water, we can transform all water back to its pristine state.

Free Gift:  1) Free 14-minute medical intuitive reading, set up with email, info@vibrantvitalwater.com, offer ends October 15th, 2022
2)Participate in supporting the Global Waterways, by joining the Global Water Optimization group on Zoom every Wednesday at 6:00 pm mountain time USA. Join Zoom Here at the specified time