Lotus Sky
The Earth Warrior Way with Lotus Sky
Lotus Sky is a musical channel and shamanic guide, born and raised in the Philippines and hailing from the Big Island of Hawaii.
Born and raised in the Philippines, daughter of intersecting ethnic lineages, initiated in the medicine path, and in command of over a decade of experience in transformation, personal development, music, and modern spirituality, Lotus Sky has devoted her life to inspire all people to discover their connectedness to Life, and to claim their unique genius with the world as they walk their own sacred way.
Lotus Sky has been called Nature Spirit, a Cosmic Channel, and Earth Angel, where her voice brings profound healing, and her shamanic offerings are truly transmissions from beyond the veil.
Free Gift: Channeled Activation on Transcending Upper Limits
A Channeled Activation and Transmission from the Guides to dispel the illusion of limitation and awaken within the Expansive Nature of You to transcend upper limits. Link: http://www.lotussky.com/freegift