Lori Spagna

Activating Your Sacred Key Codes with Lori Spagna

Lori Ann Spagna is a Best Selling Author, Spiritual Catalyst, Contactee, Ascension Guide, Intuitive, Multi-Dimensional Channel, Animal Communicator, Energy Healer, Lightworker and Starseed who has transformed the lives of thousands of humans and animals via her Channeled Ascension Guidance, Intuition, Sacred Energy Healing Transmissions and Animal Communication. She provides Ascension Training, Sacred Energy Healing Transmissions and Dormant DNA Activations for humans and animals. Get your FREE GIFTS from Lori here: www.LoriSpagna.com/freegifts.

Free Gifts: Unlocking Your Dormant DNA mp3 Class; Your Lightbody Being and YOUR Starseed Ancestry;
3 CONTENT RICH classes and ebooks for ANIMAL LOVERS & Intro to Developing Your Intuitive Gifts mp3

Paid Offer $333 (SAVE $111): Activate & Awaken Your Dormant DNA, Sacred Key Codes,
Star Code Markings & Divine Templates For You, Your Animals and Your Ancestral Lineage

Use COUPON CODE: WAX to save 25% (SAVE $111)

Your DNA Strands are holding the keys and the codes – Sacred Key Codes ~ to awaken YOUR greatest potential and align you with the highest and best version of yourself. This Sacred Membership is a living library of all of the DNA Activations to date. These are Light Encoded Frequency Activations to assist you in remembering more of the highest truths, raising your own vibrational frequency, embodying the lightest and highest light. These energetic attunements are designed to allow your Spiritual transformation and Consciousness expansion to be easy, graceful, benevolent, effortless.