Heaven on Earth: 5D in 5 Minutes with Dr. Karen Kan
Dr. Karen Kan is a Doctor of Light Medicine™, a #1 international bestselling author, visionary, and pioneer in the fields of healing, consciousness, and spirituality. Her mission is to empower spiritually-conscious people to harness their intuitive, healing, and manifesting Superpowers so that they can reach their highest vibration and help anchor in a brand new reality of love, joy, peace, and harmony for all. As the Founder of the Academy of Light Medicine™, Dr. Karen teaches students her 3-step TOLPAKAN™ Healing Method (TKH) which involves Aligning with the Source of Divine Wisdom, Asking quality questions through Divine Muscle Testing™, and Activating high vibrational healing frequencies. She is like Yoda® from Star Wars, training you to be a self-healing Jedi Master®.
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