William Linville

Embodying Your Galactic Vastness

WITH conscious walk in, William Linville

William Linville is a divine presence of clear creator consciousness that has transcended all of the lower levels of the physical form, as well as all of the survival levels of the physical makeup that came within an embodiment which he stepped into on a surgery table in 1996. He is here on the planet to assist you to clear out all of your egoic conflicts and structures that have held you back from fully, completely marrying with your higher levels and your lower levels.

CLICK HERE FOR William’s FREE GIFT:   Becoming the Vortex & Universal Portal of Light

Downloadable program in two parts. Part One is ~38 minutes. Part Two is ~50 minutes

CLICK HERE FOR William’s Sprcial Offer:  Integration and Expression of the Universe Through You

This package will assist you in constantly being and feeling at home everywhere, in a body on a planet.  You will begin to experience and run through an in-depth level of understanding of why you have been feeling the way you have been feeling for eons.

This special offer consists of seven presentations by William, approximately nine hours of video and audio.

Join us on Facebook and continue in the conversation with Waxela and William.

You can have lifetime access to the entire season to watch on your own time and no expiration dates with a VIP Pass!  You also get perks, free gifts, and a call with Waxela!