Star Wolf

Awakening the Inner Shaman

with visionary teacher and shamanic guide, Star Wolf
Star is an author, creator of Shamanic Breathwork®, the co-creator of the Shamanic Healing Initiatory Process (SHIP),  founder of Venus Rising Association for Transformation, and founder and president of Venus Rising University for Shamanic Psychospiritual Studies.
Star has a kind and curious presence that will draw you in and open your heart.  She brings expansive connection to Earth and Spirit as she opens the summit with a sage smudge ritual and takes us on a Shamanic Breathwork Inner Journey.

Click Here for Star Wolf’s FREE GIFT: Kundalini Shakti Breathing Journey video and pdf

Join Star Wolf on a Kundalini Shakti Breathing Journey. A guided journey in video format into the Kundalini Breathwork, accompanied by a piece of music Star created with a dear soul brother in his studio.

In this gift you will receive a PDF guiding you in setup for the Breathwork, and a Video with Star guiding you through the Breathwork.

Grab it now, the free gift is only available while the summit is live!

Join us on Facebook and continue in the conversation with Waxela and Star Wolf.

You can have lifetime access to the entire season to watch on your own time and no expiration dates with a VIP Pass!  You also get perks, free gifts, and a call with Waxela!