Tomorrow aka Heidi Sime

Spiritual Biohacking

with artist, devoted parent, and Kundalini yogini, Tomorrow
Heidi Sime aka Tomorrow knows terrestrial Life through ART, sculpture, biohacking, experimenting, meditating, celebrating, welding, metal working, drawing, painting, primal living, loving, exploring, hiking & parenting.
We covered a lot of ground in this conversation, including conscious parenting and raising emotionally intelligent kids, something Tomorrow is passionate about!

Free Gift- Heidi and Thaddeus recorded a course specifically for the AoA2 viewers!
Receive the Gift by going to: and scroll down to find
“Sign up HERE for Waxela’s Ascension Gift and Secret Biohacking Tips”
Enter your email and you will receive :
Invisible Energy Class In this short course (45min), we show you how invisible energy affects everyone. 24 hours a day our body’s are exposed to energy that we cannot opt out of and in some cases, this energy can harm us.
You will learn:
What this energy is
How it can harm you
How to protect yourself
Tomorrow and Thaddeus are offering a discount code for AoA2 viewers to use on their website:  Use Code: WAXELA for 15% off

Grab it now, the free gift is only available while the summit is live!

Join us on Facebook and continue in the conversation with Waxela and Tomorrow.

Here is a link to the interview I did on AoA1 with Thaddeus Owen:

You can have lifetime access to the entire season to watch on your own time and no expiration dates with a VIP Pass!  You also get perks, free gifts, and a call with Waxela!