Gene Ang
Arcturian Healing Frequencies
WITH neurobiologist and Arcturian healer, Gene Ang, Ph.D.
Click Here for Free GIFT: Arcturian Wealth Frequency Healing Session
In this 50 minute mp3 recording, we will be working with the Arcturian Wealth Frequencies to bring abundance, joy, and prosperity into your life. In this session we use the specific frequencies called the Arcturian Wealth Frequency, the Arcturian Gemstone Frequency, and the Arcturian Precious Metals Frequency to go into deep resonance with these aspects of abundance from Mother Earth.
The Arcturian Knights 12 Soul Frequencies Healing Sessions
Click Here for Special Offer $97
In this four part series, you will be exposed to the latest Arcturian Healing Method Frequencies called the Arcturian Knights 12 Soul Frequencies. These healing frequencies are meant to bring through those soul qualities that lie deep within us.
Grab it now, the free gift and special offer is only available while the summit is live!
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