Dawn DelVecchio

Inner Alchemy & Embodying Light

with Shaman Priestess Dawn DelVecchio 

Dawn DelVecchio has been on a path of spiritual awakening for more than 36 years. She uses her background in Goddess lore, ceremony, tarot and astrology to support and guide women and men. Dawn holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Women’s Studies and a Master’s Degree in Shamanic Intuitional Practices.

The journey Dawn leads us on during the interview will allow you to open your frequency to embody more of your goddess energy.  You will have the opportunity to receive a gift from the Divine to further your alignment and raise your frequency.

Click here to receive Dawn’s generous free gift offer:  Sacred Feminine Leadership Audio Library
Click Here for Dawn’s special offer for $97  Inner Priestess Alchemy- An Activation & Ceremony

Grab them now, the free gift and special offer is only available while the summit is live!

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