Michelle Lee & Megan Camille

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Practical Ascension

with Founders of The Sophia Mystery School for Extraordinary People, Michelle Lee and Megan Camille
Michelle Lee and Megan Camille, a dynamic and intuitive mother/daughter team unite to combine their wisdom, experience and intuitive gifts to form the Sophia Mystery School for Extraordinary People.
Michelle is an author, speaker and coach for more than 24 years and has been helping women transform their lives by embodying their true self-worth, skyrocketing their self-confidence and busting through their financial glass ceiling.
Megan has been psychic her entire life. She is a clear channel for Source to deliver messages and opportunities for timeline shifting. Megan has built 3 successful businesses with the knowing that there is both an energetic and strategic side to business.

CLICK HERE FOR Megan and Michelle’s FREE GIFT: 10 Simple Ways to Increase Your Frequency for Ascension

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