A Vulnerable Moment from My Heart to My TRIBE!

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I appreciate you.  I appreciate that you are part of my tribe, opening my email, joining my summits, watching my YouTube videos, or Instagram, in whatever way you are interacting with me, I want you to know how much I value you and that I am here for you.  I see your love, I feel your heart, and I empathize with your struggles.

I choose to be a frequency holder for the Ascension.  My job is to create pathways and openings for you to do the same, and you are!

My heart is overflowing with gratitude for your presence in my life and on this planet.  Thank you for being here now and for doing what you do.

I am working on a new endeavor that will make it much easier for all of us to connect as soul family.  It will take some time and investment on my part, and I am so happy I get to do this because it will give us an avenue to connect so much more with each other.

Stay tuned!

In Heartfelt Gratitude,

Waxela (wa-shay-la) Sananda